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GENEO’s Continuous Improvement Leadership Academy

What is CILA?
A leadership development course to step-change leading Lean effectively with a 5:1 ROI
Why Do It?
If you recognise any of the following statements, CILA can help:
  • Stagnant performance
  • Low people engagement
  • Cost challenge
  • Failed change initiatives or operating systems
  • Disparate initiatives with no unifying mission
Who should do it?
Site leadership with executive sponsorship We are all in or not at all
Duration and commitment?
4 intensive weeks staged to develop the leadership behaviours. Nine days in total spent learning and leading together.
How does it work?
We use Go-Look-See to challenge our perceptions. We reflect on our leadership impact. We reclaim ownership of our systems. We build target conditions.

What we do

ROI Delivery on your business objectives

This course pays for itself, with an average ROI of 5:1, leaders learn the essence of Lean leadership behaviours whilst delivering results.

Enriched thinking and debate on qualities of leadership

A safe place for discussing effective leadership in your workplace. Analyse and evaluate culture and behaviours as a team and individually.

Practise leadership actions

Leading by example: we practise leadership actions in the workplace, building the shadow of a leader.

Building team self-determination

Challenging current spheres of influence and control. Igniting ambition through taking accountability.

Challenge and break paradigms

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right." - Henry Ford.

Which are you?


Exec & Sponsorship 360 Feedback

Sharing the experience, signing off the future state, the 90-day plan and the business case.

Set exemplar standards

Recognising high performance is a result of brilliant standards. We challenge the norms around your standards.

Go-look-see in action

Coaching leaders to close the gap between perception and reality. Go-look-see, the gateway to improvement.

VSM target conditions

Analyse current and future ways of working. We set ambitious target conditions. All-in committment overcome barriers to progression.

“I hated it on day one. I was not a fan on day two.  By day three I was flipped and disappointed in my levels of resistance. By day four I was leading the charge.  I can’t explain how it happened, really. But if you are in a management position, then this is a great course for you.  Game-changer.”

The CILA is an intensive, hands-on programme for leaders wanting to challenge existing paradigms and boost their journey to excellence. It provides participants with the opportunity to experience the power of leading continuous improvement and change whilst maintaining standards. 

Start Your Journey to Excellence with the Continuous Improvement Leadership Academy Now!

Geneo Consulting: +44 (0)1926940964

Contact us

what we do

Contact us

Geneo Consulting +44 (0)1926940964
Reduce maintenance turnaround time by 50%!
  • TEMPO is a system that has been developed to radically reduce the time taken to perform complex maintenance activities on fixed assets or fleet. It is a simple yet intelligent way of organizing your maintenance activities to complete the maintenance turnaround in half the time.
  • By organizing work sequences for trades/technicians and building critical paths and dependencies, TEMPO quickly highlights lost time opportunities in the overall planned turnaround.
  • Applying standard work instructions with step-by-step guides for process confirmation, TEMPO visualizes real-time progress for short interval control, providing instant decision making to maintain compliance to plan.
  • By using TEMPO to plan and execute complex maintenance turnarounds our clients have achieved 50%+ reduction in downtime, giving a 10%+ improvement in fleet availability.
Reduce maintenance backlog by 60%!
  • Unlock valuable maintenance time and use it to reduce chronic backlogs or stubborn deferred defects.
  • Give technicians more time for proactive interventions.
Improve asset reliability by 18%!
  • Enjoy the knock-on benefit of backlog clearance and proactive activities, improving the reliability of your assets.
Increase continuous improvement engagement by 180%!
  • TEMPO’s easy-to-use Concerns and Ideas capture feature engages technicians in driving improvements that help improve turnarounds, reliability, and availability
  • Identify the classic wastes (transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over processing, over production, defect) in relation to your maintenance activities.
  • Expose supply chain, kitting, resourcing, workplace organization, sequencing, tooling, and planning opportunities for review through TEMPO’s powerful reporting feature.
  • Analyze the hour-by-hour compliance to plan with the associated losses incurred throughout the turnaround event.
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